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Convention of International Exhibition

"International exhibition convention was signed in Paris on November 22, 1928, and by May 10, 1948, November 16, 1966, on November 30, 1972, the protocol and on June 24, 1982 and 1988 on May 31, the amendment to supplement.


Chapter I definitions and objectives

Article 1 :

1. The exhibition is a display, regardless of name, its purpose is to education Volkswagen.

It can show the means by which human beings can meet the needs of civilization, and show the progress that mankind has made in one or more fields, or the prospect of development.

When more than one country participates, the exhibition is an international exhibition.

International exhibition (3) both on behalf of the official organization pavilion exhibitors, including international organizations or foreign exhibitors do not represent the official, also including based on fair rules and authorized to engage in other activities, in particular has won concessions exhibitors.

Article 2:

This convention applies to all international exhibitions except the following exhibitions:

A) no more than 3 weeks of exhibition;

B) art exhibition;

C) essentially commercial exhibitions.

"No matter what title the sponsor has given the exhibition, this convention recognizes that there is a difference between a registered exhibition and an accredited exhibition."


Chapter ii general management conditions for organizing international exhibitions

Article 3 the

International exhibitions with the following characteristics can be registered with the international exhibition bureau referred to in article 25 of this convention:

A) the exhibition period is not shorter than 6 weeks, not exceeding 6 months;

B) the participating states shall be included in the general rules and regulations of the exhibition.

If the law of the host country is required to impose a tax on property, the organizer shall pay.

Only services provided in accordance with the regulations approved by the international exhibition bureau can be paid for;

C) from 1 January 1995, the inter-partition period of the two registered exhibitions shall not be less than five years;

The first exhibition will be held in 1995.

In spite of this, the international exhibition bureau can accept no more than a year earlier than the rules hold date, to allow the memory of a certain importance with international special events, but don't change has been included in the original schedule 5 years at intervals.

Article 4.

A) international exhibitions with the following characteristics can be recognized by the international exhibition bureau:

1. The exhibition period is not shorter than 3 weeks, not exceeding 3 months;

2. Having a clear theme;

3. The total area is no more than 25 hectares;

4. The exhibition must be allocated to the exhibition country by the exhibition hall, which is built by the organizer, which is free of rent, expenses and taxes, and the maximum area of a country shall not exceed 1,000 square meters.

However, the international exhibition bureau may allow the request of the pavilion not to be distributed free of charge, if the economic and financial situation of the host country proves that the request is justified;

And other expenses other than service charges;

The maximum area allocated to a country must not exceed 1,000 square meters.

However, the international exhibition bureau may approve the requirements of the paid distribution pavilion, but the economic and financial conditions of the host countries must demonstrate that this requirement is justified;

5. During the interval between the two registered exhibitions, only one authorized exhibition shall be held in accordance with paragraph A of this article;

6. Only one registered exhibition or A recognized exhibition which conforms to section A of this article can be held in the same year.

B) the international exhibition bureau may also endorse the following exhibition:

1. The 3-year old milan decorative arts and modern architecture exhibition, based on its historical status, requires it to maintain its original characteristics;

2. Approved by the international association of horticultural producers of A1 class horticultural exhibition should be held between the two terms registered international exhibition, held in different countries but required intervals for at least 2 years of this kind of exhibition, held in the same country interval at least for 10 years.

Article 5.

The opening and closing date of the exhibition and the main features shall be determined upon registration or recognition and only by the approval of the international exhibition bureau.


Chapter iii registration

Article 6.

1. The plan mentioned in this convention exhibition held within the territory of the contracting governments (hereinafter referred to as "invited governments"), shall be submitted to the international exhibition bureau registration or approval application, to clarify for the exhibition to formulate laws, regulations or fiscal measures.

The states parties to the government for its exhibition for registration or approval, as long as you promise to comply with this convention is the first chapter, the second chapter, chapter 3 and chapter 4 of the regulations and its implementing rules, which can apply to the international exhibitions bureau for the same way.

2. Application for registration or recognition shall be submitted by the government of the international relations (hereinafter referred to as "invited government") to be held by the host of the exhibition, even if the government is not the organizer of the exhibition.

3. In its mandatory provisions, the international exhibition bureau determines the maximum period for the date of the exhibition and the shortest term of the application for registration or recognition.

It also stipulates that documents must be submitted together with the application and shall be determined in accordance with the mandatory provisions for review of the application.

4. The exhibition may be registered or recognized only if it meets the conditions of this convention and the provisions of the international exhibition bureau.

Article 7.

1. When two or more countries compete for the registration or recognition of the same exhibition and fail to reach an agreement, it shall be requested by the general assembly of the international exhibition bureau to adjudicate.

When general assembly vote, have put forward various situations should be considered, especially the historic or morality of a particular reason, and the interval of the last exhibition and bid have held the exhibition.

2. In addition to special circumstances, the international exhibition bureau shall give priority to the exhibition organized by the state party.

Article 8.

Have obtained the exhibition registration or approved by the state, if change the scheduled date, the exhibition will lose all rights produced by registered or certified exhibition, but except in the case of paragraph 1 of article 28 d).

If it wishes to host the exhibition on another date, the government will have to reapply, if necessary, in accordance with the procedures prescribed in article 7.

Article 9.

1. If the exhibition is not registered or recognized by the international exhibition bureau, the state party shall refuse to participate, sponsor or subsidize the government.

2. The contracting state shall not be allowed to participate in the exhibition of business registration or accreditation.

3. All contracting governments should be based on its national laws and regulations, use any means it thinks the most appropriate, against false exhibition or with false promises, the notice or deceptive advertising to attract exhibitors exhibition organizers.


Chapter iv the organizer and the obligations of the participating states

Article 10.

1. Invites governments to ensure that the provisions of this convention and their implementation regulations are implemented.

2. If the invited government itself does not organize the exhibition, it shall formally confirm the organizer of the exhibition and ensure that the organizer fulfills its obligations.

Article 11.

1. All the invitation letters, no matter to members or non-members, also send invited governments and the country's other invited to parties, shall be passed on from the host country government should be in the same way to invite governments.

Replies to requests for participation by uninvited parties must also be transmitted to the uninvited government in the same way.

The invitation letter must comply with the interspace provided by the international exhibition bureau and declare that the exhibition involved has been registered.

Invitations to international organizations should be sent directly to each other.

Diplomatic channels were sent to the invited government.

The reply should be conveyed in the same way to the invited government.

On the other side, the request for participation is handled in the same way.

The invitation shall comply with the time interval specified by the international exhibition bureau and affirms that the exhibition involved has been registered.

Invitations to international organizations should be sent directly to each other.

2. If the above invitations are not sent in accordance with the provisions of this convention, the state party shall not organize or sponsor the participation of the international exhibition.

3. If the invitation is not quoted according to the provisions of this convention approved registration or approval, regardless of the exhibition is held within the territory of states parties or within the territory of the member states, states parties shall promise neither forward, or to accept the invitation letter for this exhibition.

4. Any state party may ask the organizer not to send the invitation to other parties other than itself in its territory.

It can also not forward the invitation letter, and does not transmit the request submitted by the inviter.

Article 12.

Shall be the registered international exhibition invited governments appointed a fair government general representative or approved class government representatives appointed a exhibition, exhibition authorized on behalf of the government handling everything associated with this convention and exhibition related affairs.

Article 13.

Any participating countries government all should attend registered international exhibition to appoint a pavilion government appointed general representative or approved by attend class exhibition a pavilion on behalf of the government, on behalf of their government contact invited governments.

The government representative or representative of the national pavilion will take full responsibility for organizing its national pavilion.

He shall report to the general representative or representative of the government of the exhibition and guarantee the rights and obligations of the exhibitors.

Article 14.


Article 15.


Article 16.

The customs regulations of the international exhibition are as described in the annex.

The annex is an integral part of this convention.

Article 17.

At the exhibition, only the exhibition hall, which is made up of the government's general representative or representative authorized by the government of the participating states, is regarded as the national pavilion and has the right to use the term.

The pavilion consists of all the participants in the country but does not include exhibitors who have the right to franchisor.

Article 18.

1. At the exhibition, individual or collective participants may use the geographical names associated with the participating countries only if they are authorized by the representative or representative of the government of the national pavilion of the participating governments.

2. If the state party does not participate in the exhibition, the representative or representative of the government of the exhibition shall, in the name of the state party, prohibit the use of the preceding paragraph.

Article 19.

1. All articles exhibited in the national pavilion shall be closely related to the state of the exhibition (such as the goods of the country of origin or objects created by the country's nationals).

2. For the purpose of demonstrating integrity, other articles or products may also be displayed on behalf of the representative or representative of the government of other relevant national pavilions.

3. In case of any dispute between the government of the participating states and the second paragraph of the above paragraph, the representative of the government of the national pavilion shall be submitted to the joint session of the representative of the government of the state council, and the majority of the participants will be submitted for arbitration.

The arbitration is final.

Article 20.

1. Unless it conflicts with the laws of the host country, there is no form of monopoly at the exhibition.

But a monopoly on public services may be approved by the international exhibition bureau at the time of the exhibition's registration or approval.

In this case, the exhibition organizer shall comply with the following conditions:

A) the existence of such monopoly services shall be indicated in the regulations and participation contracts of the exhibition;

B) a monopolistic service shall be provided to the exhibitors in accordance with the normal conditions of the host country;

C) under any circumstances, the total representative or representative of the national pavilion government shall not be subject to any restriction.

2. The exhibition government general representative or representative should take all measures to ensure to the participating countries government fees is not higher than to the charge of the exhibition organizers, or in any case is not higher than the normal local charge.

Article 21

The general representative or representative of the exhibition government shall endeavour to ensure the normal functioning of the public facilities within its jurisdiction.

Article 22

The invited government should make every effort to facilitate the participation of other governments and their nationals, especially in terms of freight, personnel and access to goods.

Article 23

1. Whether or not to issue a valid certificate of participation, the general rules of the exhibition shall state whether or not to present the award to the exhibitors.

If the award is awarded, it can be limited to certain categories.

2. If the exhibitors do not want to participate in the evaluation, they shall make a statement before the opening of the exhibition.

Article 24

The international exhibition bureau, as defined in the next article, deals with the general conditions of composition and operation of the jury, and how to award the award.


Chapter v institutional setting

Article 25

1. To supervise and guarantee the establishment of international exhibition bureau for the implementation of this convention.

Its members are government of the state party.

The international exhibition bureau is based in Paris.

2. The international exhibition bureau has the legal status of a legal person, especially the ability to contract, acquire and dispose of movable property and property and to participate in litigation.

3. The international exhibition bureau has the right to conclude relevant agreements with national and international organizations on the privileges and immunities necessary for the performance of this convention.

4. The international exhibition board includes the general assembly, a chairman, an executive committee, a number of professional committees, a number of vice-chairmen and the secretariat under the leadership of the secretary-general.

Article 26

The general assembly of the international exhibition bureau is composed of representatives appointed by the state party, each of which may have one or three representatives.

Article 27

The general assembly holds regular meetings and special meetings.

It is the highest authority in the international exhibition bureau to make a decision on all issues within the jurisdiction of the international exhibition bureau.

The general assembly shall:

A) discussion, adoption and publication of provisions on the registration or recognition, classification and organization of international exhibitions, as well as provisions concerning the normal functioning of the international exhibition bureau.

The general assembly may, within the scope of the provisions of this convention, make mandatory provisions, which shall be followed by exhibition organizers who wish to enjoy an advantage in the registration of the international exhibition bureau;

Set up demonstration rules as guidelines for these organizers;

The general assembly may, within the scope of this convention, make mandatory provisions for exhibition organizers wishing to be registered with the international exhibition bureau and the demonstration rules for their reference;

B) preparing the budget, reviewing and approving the accounts of the international exhibition bureau;

C) to approve the report of the secretary-general;

D) to set up committees to appoint executive committees and other committee members as needed;

E) ratification of international agreements concluded under article 25, paragraph 3 of this convention;

F) by modifying the draft under article 33;

G) the appointment of the secretary-general.

Article 28

1. The government of each state party, regardless of its representation, has only one vote in the general assembly.

If the government of the state party owes more than the total amount of the recognized contributions under article 32 of this convention, its voting rights will be suspended.

2. At least two-thirds of the voting states are present and the general assembly is entitled to exercise its functions.

If the number of the law is not reached, the general assembly shall postpone the meeting for at least one month and the agenda is the same.

In such a case, the required number of quorum should be reduced to half of the number of parties to the right to vote.

3. A resolution may be formed when a majority vote of the delegation at the meeting is required to vote for or against it.

But the following should require a two-thirds majority:

A) adoption of the proposed amendments to the convention;

B) drafting and revising the rules;

C) to approve the annual recognition of the state party by budget;

D) change the opening or closing date of the exhibition according to the above article 5;

E) registration or approval of exhibitions held in non-state parties that compete with the state party for the exhibition;

F) shortening the intervals of the third provision of this convention;

G) acceptance of the reservations made by the state party to the amendment.

Such amendments shall be adopted in accordance with the provisions of article 33, which shall be adopted by a majority of four fifths, and some may require a unanimous approval;

H) ratifying the draft international agreement;

I) appointment of the secretary-general.

Article 29

1. The chairman shall be elected from the representative of the government of the state party by secret secret ballot for a term of two years.

During his term in office, he does not represent his country.

The chairman can be reelected.

2. The chairman convenes and presides over the plenary meeting to ensure the normal functioning of the international exhibition bureau.

If the chairman is absent, his functions shall be exercised by the vice-chairman of the executive committee;

If the vice-chairman is not able to exercise this function, one of the other vice-chairmen shall exercise it in order of election.

3. The vice-chairmen shall be elected by the general assembly from the representative of the state party, whose holding nature and term of office, especially of its sub-committees, shall be decided by the general assembly.

Article 30.

1. The executive committee consists of representatives of 12 states parties, each of which shall elect a representative;

2. The executive committee shall:

A) determine the classification criteria for the human struggle demonstrated by the exhibition and keep it updated;

B) to review all applications for the registration or accreditation of the exhibition, together with the views of the committee, to be adopted by the general assembly;

C) to carry out the tasks entrusted by the general assembly;

D) seek advice from other committees.

Article 31

1. The secretary-general shall be a state party and shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of article 28 of this convention.

2. The secretary-general shall, in accordance with the instructions of the general assembly and the executive committee, handle the daily affairs of the international exhibition bureau.

He was responsible for compiling the draft budget and submitting accounts and activity reports to the general assembly.

The secretary-general represents the exhibition bureau, especially in respect of legal matters.

3. The general assembly shall determine the secretary-general's term of office and other responsibilities.

Article 32

The annual budget of the international exhibition bureau shall be approved by the general assembly in accordance with paragraph 3 of article 28.

The budget should take into account the international exhibition bureau's financial reserves, the various types of income, and the credit balance of the last fiscal year.

The funds of the international exhibition bureau shall be financed from those sources and the contributions made by the state party, which shall be calculated in accordance with the share of each state party determined by the general assembly.

Article 33

1. Any state party government may propose amendments to this convention.

The contents of the bill and the reasons for modification shall be served to the secretary-general.

The secretary-general shall transfer it to other state governments as soon as possible.

2. Amendment bills must be included in the general assembly general meeting or special session agenda.

The general assembly shall convene at least three months from the date of the transfer of amendments by the secretary-general.

3. Each amendment passed by the general assembly under the provisions of the preceding paragraph and article 28 shall be submitted by the government of the republic of France to the governments of all states parties to this convention.

The government of four fifths of the state party notifies the government of the republic of France that the amendment is effective for all states parties.

However, amendments to this paragraph, article 16 and the appendices shall be subject to acceptance by the government of all states parties to the government of the republic of France.

4. Any government that wishes to retain the amendment shall notify the international exhibition bureau of the conditions for its reservations.

The general assembly made a decision on whether to accept the reservation.

It allows those reserves that help protect the established status of international exhibitions and reject reservations that may result in privileged status.

If retained, the state party to which the reservation is submitted must be included in the list of amendments to the recipient country to calculate the four-fifths majority.

If the reservation is refused, the government of the reservation must choose between the rejection of the amendment and the acceptance of the unreservedly.

5. Once the amendment is entered into force under paragraph 3 of this article, any party who refuses to accept the amendment may, if deemed appropriate, adopt the following thirty-seven provisions.

It is adopted in paragraph 3 of article 28.

The budget should take into account the financial reserves of the international exhibition bureau, the various types of income and the assets and borrowing conditions of the previous financial years.

The expenditure of the international exhibition bureau shall be offset by those income and the contributions of the state party.

The amount of the payment shall be calculated in accordance with the share of subscribed shares assigned to each state party by the general assembly.

Article 34

1. Any government of the state party may propose a bill for the revision of the convention.

The text of the bill and the reasons for modification shall be transmitted to the secretary-general.

The secretary-general shall transfer it to other state governments as soon as possible.

2. The amendment bill should be included in the general assembly general meeting or on the agenda of the special session.

The day of the plenary meeting shall be at least 3 months apart from the day when the secretary-general transfers the amendment bill.

3. Each amendment adopted by the general assembly in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph and article 28 shall be submitted by the government of the republic of France to the government of all states parties to this convention.

Since the government of the parties to the fifth parties has informed the government of the republic of France to accept the date of acceptance, the amendment is effective for all states parties.

Amendments to the annex to this paragraph, article 16 and this article shall be subject to acceptance by the government of all states parties to the government of the republic of France.

4. Any government that wishes to retain the amendment shall notify the international exhibition bureau of the conditions for its reservations.

The general assembly decided whether to accept the reservation.

It should be allowed to contribute to the preservation of the established status of international exhibitions and to reject reservations that may result in privileged status.

If retained, the state party to which it is retained should be included in the list of amendments to the recipient country to calculate the four-fifths majority.

If retained, the remaining government should choose between rejecting amendments and accepting amendments without reservation.

5. In accordance with paragraph 3 of this article, if deemed appropriate, any state party that refuses to accept the amendment may withdraw from this convention in accordance with article 37 of this convention.

Article 35

1. If two or more parties to the government or for the purpose of this convention apply to explain there is a dispute, and cannot be according to the provisions of this convention to the decision of the institution to solve, the controversy is a dispute which the theme of the negotiations.

2. If an agreement cannot be reached within a short period of time, any party concerned may submit the dispute to the chairman of the international exhibition board and ask the chairman to appoint a mediator.

If the mediator fails to reach a settlement agreement with the parties to the dispute, it shall submit a report to the chairman of the international exhibition board and indicate the nature and extent of the dispute.

3. Once the agreement is not reached, the dispute becomes the subject of arbitration.

To this end, within two months from the date of the report to the parties concerned, either party may submit an arbitration application to the secretary-general of the international exhibition bureau and declare that the arbitrator has been selected by the party.

The other party or a number of parties shall appoint their respective arbitrators within 2 months.

If not, the President of the international court may be notified by any of the parties to appoint one or more arbitrators.

If the parties concerned act together for the purposes mentioned in the preceding paragraph, they shall be considered as a whole.

If in doubt, the secretary-general decides.

The selected arbitrators will have to nominate an additional arbitrator.

If the arbitrators cannot agree on this choice within two months, the President of the international court of justice shall be responsible for appointing the arbitrator after receiving the notice from any party concerned.

4. The arbitration organization shall rule on the majority of its members.

If the majority of the arbitrators are equal to the opposition, the extra appointed arbitrators will have a decisive vote.

The award is final and binding on all parties, and the parties have no right to appeal.

5. Any country that has signed, ratified or acceded to this convention may declare that it is not bound by the aforementioned third and fourth paragraphs.

Other states parties are not bound by these provisions when dealing with member states that have reservations about these terms.

6. Any state party which has made reservations pursuant to the preceding paragraph may at any time inform the trusteeship government of its abandonment.

Article 36

Any UN member states, or of the members of the UN member states to the articles of association of the international court of justice, or the United Nations specialized institutions or members of the international atomic energy agency, and put forward an application to join and approved by the general assembly of the international exhibition bureau states two-thirds majority voting by country, all can join this convention.

The accession documents shall be kept by the government of the republic of France and shall come into force upon the date of deposit.

Article 37

The government of the republic of France shall notify the state party and the participating governments and the international exhibition bureau:

A) according to the entry into force of the third amendment;

B) in accordance with article 35;

C) withdrawal from article 37;

D) reservation under paragraph 5 of article 34;

E) the termination of this convention shall be the case.

Article 37 1. Any government of the state party may notify the government of the republic of France in writing and withdraw from this convention.

2. Exit will be effective 1 year from the date of receipt of the notice.

3. If the number of parties to the state party has been reduced to less than 7 due to withdrawal, the convention will be terminated on its own.

The secretary-general is responsible for the liquidation of any agreement that may be reached by the state party on the dissolution of the international exhibition bureau.

Unless the general assembly decides otherwise, the assets shall be divided in proportion to the amount they have subscribed to since membership of the convention.

If there is a liability, the same government shall be assessed in proportion to the amount of subscribed capital that was determined at the time of the financial year.


(Paris, November 30, 1972)