Home > Exhibition > ENGINEERING EARTH
Although it may seem like the craftsmanship of the Middle Ages, building with raw earth materials is actually the future! Snubbed in Europe since the large-scale arrival of concrete in the 1950s, earth has become fashionable once more and its ecological and aesthetic properties are attracting interest from contemporary architects. Today, considering earth as a building material is about acknowledging a resource that remains largely ignored despite the fact that half of the planet is already living in earthen buildings. Could it be that we have stumbled upon an original solution to the questions of sustainable development and urbanization? Engineering Earth offers visitors a hands-on building experience with each of the different types of grains, soils, clay, mud, and sands used in green construction. Applied science and material science are taught through 17 interactive stations where visitors can manipulate the earthen materials, physically experience their unique qualities, engage in multimedia explorations of using earth to build, and play games illustrating their forces and properties. Brought to you by La Cite in Paris, learn how we’re changing the way we work with, and the way we view, raw earth.
Science,Mass culture